วันจันทร์ที่ 30 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Queen Anne Style Jewelry Armoire in Mahogany Wood Finish with Eight Deluxe Drawers, Two Side Doors, and Mirror

Buy Offer for $326.99. Save on Coaster Home Furnishings. Choose Queen Anne Style Jewelry Armoire in Mahogany Wood Finish with Eight Deluxe Drawers, Two Side Doors, and Mirror Sale. Save up to 85%

Queen Anne Style Jewelry Armoire in Mahogany Wood Finish with Eight Deluxe Drawers, Two Side Doors, and Mirror Low Price

   Brand: Coaster Home Furnishings    Original Price : $457.99    List Price : $326.99    You Save : 29%

Cheap Queen Anne Style Jewelry Armoire in Mahogany Wood Finish with Eight Deluxe Drawers, Two Side Doors, and Mirror Feature

  • Queen Anne jewelry armoire in mahogany finish
  • Dimensions Measure: 17"L x 12"W x 39 1/2"H
  • Brand new in original box, Easy to assembly
  • Item usually leaves our warehouse within 1-2 days.
  • Buy Direct from factory with LOWEST PRICE GUARANTEE

Queen Anne Style Jewelry Armoire in Mahogany Wood Finish with Eight Deluxe Drawers, Two Side Doors, and Mirror Review

This is a brand new in box Queen Anne Style Jewelry Armoire in Mahogany Wood Finish with Eight Deluxe Drawers, Two Side Doors, and Mirror. This piece of furniture is dedicated to the Queen Anne Style furniture of its time, with the quality Mahogany finish and intricate drawer handles. The stand of the armoire is based on Queen Anne Style furniture legs with a drawer in itself. Two side doors for hanging jewelry and a mirror on top, complete the necessities of Jewelry Storage. (Requires Simple Assembly) Dimensions Measure: 17"L x 12"W x 39 1/2"H

Queen Anne Style Jewelry Armoire in Mahogany Wood Finish with Eight Deluxe Drawers, Two Side Doors, and Mirror Best Buy

Coaster Home Furnishings
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Visiondecor Furniture
$326.99 (New)
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Queen Anne Style Jewelry Armoire in Mahogany Wood Finish with Eight Deluxe Drawers, Two Side Doors, and Mirror Customer Rating

If you looking for cheap "Queen Anne Style Jewelry Armoire in Mahogany Wood Finish with Eight Deluxe Drawers, Two Side Doors, and Mirror" best prices. You can Buy Queen Anne Style Jewelry Armoire in Mahogany Wood Finish with Eight Deluxe Drawers, Two Side Doors, and Mirror Now. Cheap Queen Anne Style Jewelry Armoire in Mahogany Wood Finish with Eight Deluxe Drawers, Two Side Doors, and Mirror In Stock. :

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

10 Simple Secrets Of Five-Star Luxury Decorating

What is it about a hotel room that is so appealing when you first open the door and step inside? The "initial impact" a hotel room has upon its customers is one of the most vitally important factors in the hotel business. Hotel decorators realize the psychological importance of "first impressions." People know what standards to expect when they enter a room or suite of an established brand-name hotel. If a customer's expectations are met in a positive manner, the customer will be back. If a customer's expectations are not satisfactorily met, the hotel will lose business. People talk. It's a fact of life in any business.

Five-star establishments set the standards for "first impressions." Their success depends on providing their guests a very pleasurable, if not awestruck, first impression, stimulating patrons' senses by sheer opulence and beauty. Lavish décor and architecture resonate within each and every suite.


The modus operandi of hotel decorating is incredibly simple. You can incorporate the basic elements of their systems of creating five-star luxury in your own home with little, if any, cost at all. Luxurious living is not necessarily reserved exclusively for the wealthy.

10 Simple Secrets Of Five-Star Luxury Decorating

1.) Upon entering a five-star hotel room, the first thing you consciously notice is that the room is well balanced. If there is one bed, it is centered on one wall. If there are two beds, they are distanced appropriately apart on the same wall while the armoire, dresser and television are generally located on the opposite wall, directly opposite the beds, creating a balance within the main area of the room. A sitting area, usually consisting of a small table and two chairs, is likewise centered in front of the window area.

2.) The next thing you will consciously note as you enter your hotel room, is that the area is clean. Spotless. The sinks, tub, bathroom tile and fixtures literally shine and you subconsciously ask yourself, "How do they do that?" One important fact to remember is that hotel rooms are sanitized virtually every day. By getting into a habit of wiping out your own tub or shower unit with a damp towel after each bath or shower every day, you, too, can achieve the same effect.

3.) The secret to glistening fixtures depends largely on the cleaning products that are used and how often they are applied. As for the actual cleaning products employed, a housekeeper's cart contains relatively few actual cleaning supplies. A high-quality all-purpose spray cleaner, furniture polish, window cleaner and an effective carpet and upholstery stain remover are the basic essentials.

It's only a guess, but it appears that one good all-purpose cleaner is used to do most of the work on the fixtures and tile floors, generally amounting to nothing more than spraying it on and wiping it off. If this is done consistently, day after day, a room can't help but be clean. Lower-priced hotels may use something as basic as "Janitor In A Drum." The higher-priced places may use a much costlier variation, perhaps something like, "Jean e'Tour en la drumme."

Hotel rooms are also "spring cleaned" every few weeks. Curtains are removed, cleaned and replaced, lampshades and picture frames are dusted, mattresses are flipped and carpets are cleaned on a regular basis.

4.) Probably the biggest secret of all to the cleanliness factor of a hotel room is that vacuuming is the final step of the hotel housekeeping operation. A hotel housekeeper will begin vacuuming at the far end of the room and make her way to the door as she completes her project, leaving an illusion that the area she leaves behind has never before been trodden. A freshly vacuumed area provides a psychologically inviting feeling. This is equally true on the home front.

5.) The next thing you will notice in your freshly appointed hotel room is that the draperies are always open and natural sunlight floods the area. Lighting is an important factor of any room and natural sunlight gleaming into a sparkling clean area makes the shining mirrors, glass and lighting fixtures glisten that much brighter. If your initial entrance to the room is after dark, the streetlights, lights of the surrounding city or the outdoor lighting of the hotel courtyard likewise leave an important impact on your first impression of the room.

6.) You will also notice that hotel rooms are always devoid of clutter. There is no unnecessary debris taking up the surface space on the dresser, table or bathroom vanity. Simple, yet elegant displays of fresh, white fluffy towels and washcloths add just the right touch to the dressing area.

7.) Basic hotel decorating begins with a neutral color scheme because neutral colors have a natural appeal to most everyone. When they stray from neutral tones in private rooms, decorators are quick to realize, they are venturing into unknown personal preference areas that simply do not appeal to everyone. Neutral colors are psychologically relaxing, non-hostile, soothing and comforting.

8.) The color of a hotel room is provided in the bedspreads and either matching or coordinating curtains, which are generally always in earth-tone colors. The pictures on the wall likewise carry the color-scheme of the earth tone colors of green, brown and yellow with perhaps a splash of orange for effect.

9.) Hotel rooms all share another common element of having quality, commercial grade furnishings and carpet, quality room-darkening draperies and bedspreads and the finest linens. Hotel towels and washcloths are consistently white and clean and are never stained or frayed.

Buying quality products for your own home is often less costly in the long run because quality products are more durable and last much longer than sub-standard merchandise. For example, cheap towels often fray after their very first encounter with a washing machine. After 3-4 washings, they look tattered and unsightly. High quality towels often continue to look fluffy and new even after 40-50 washings. Buying one quality towel instead of two or three cheap towels actually costs less in the long run because you don't have to replace them nearly as often.

Having a few exceptionally high quality items instead of lots of low-quality goods takes up less space and makes you feel luxurious. Quality products go on sale, too.

10.) The outstanding characteristic that sets a five star hotel above the rest, is the freshly cut flower and greenery arrangement that adds the final decorative touch to the area. Without much cost, you can grow your own garden and add this special affect whenever you feel a need to truly indulge.

By using these simple techniques, you, too can experience five-star luxury in your own home. It's the little things that make a very big difference.

10 Simple Secrets Of Five-Star Luxury Decorating

วันพุธที่ 25 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

10 Ways to Save Money by Using an Interior Designer

You don't have to break the bank to hire an interior designer. Hiring a professional decorate may even help you save money in the long run as they may provide you advice on how you can reuse or redesign your room with the furniture and decorations you already have. Below are just 10 ways you can actually save money by using a professional interior designer.

1. Use what you already own. Could the armoire that's crowding your bedroom better serve your needs in your family room? How about the stunning piece of art you have hidden in the hallway, when it would make an outstanding focal point over the fireplace mantel? An interior designer has a trained eye that sees new "life" for the treasures you already own.


2. Avoid costly mistakes. While many people fear the expense of "out with the old and in with the new", any designer "worth their salt" will encourage you to use what you already own, whenever possible. They'll discourage you from falling in love with a piece you see in the showroom, if they know the scale, style, color, fabric type, or quality won't serve you well, once it's in your home.

10 Ways to Save Money by Using an Interior Designer

3. A good designer has all sorts of resources, whether you're shopping for home furnishings, window coverings, pluming hardware or lighting. Many companies give sizable discounts to the trade, that they should pass on to you, helping to save money on the bottom line.

4. Get it done right the first time. It's easy to make costly mistakes when you aren't professionally trained. Even the professionals can make mistakes measuring blinds, shutters and draperies, but if it's their mistake, they're responsible for fixing it.

5. Time is money. If you're doing a major remodel and can't live in the home while under construction, every day out of the home costs you double, since you have to pay the cost of two living spaces. With a professional contractor and project manager/designer, you've got a time-line and team of people working on your behalf, while you're at work, with a dead-line to meet. If you plan to be your own contractor, expect some "on the job training" and extra expense.

6. Think outside the box. A designer will encourage you to consider ideas you never would have considered. You'll end up with a more interesting, custom look, without spending more.

7. Visualize it. If you're like most people, you have a hard time imagining how something will look. That's why furnished homes sell faster than empty homes. A good designer has the ability to look at a space and see what it could be, not what it is. Maybe you don't really need to sell your home, to achieve the look and comfort you're searching for. Ask a designer about options!

8. Make choices that will serve you for generations. Good furniture was made to last a lifetime. A designer will show you where to budget your money and why. It pays to buy the best quality case goods you can afford, because they will last forever if properly cared for. Likewise, don't spend a fortune on bedding that you'll get tired of, when there are so many great values and design options available for less.

9. Depend on a designer to show you the kinds of upgrades that will pay off, should you ever decide to sell your home.

10. Leave it to the professionals to help you make the most of what you already have and the money you can afford to spend, saving you more frustration and headaches than you could imagine!

10 Ways to Save Money by Using an Interior Designer

วันอังคารที่ 24 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Don't Put Your Boxes by the Curb

Drive through any neighborhood on 'trash day' following the holiday, and you'll see empty boxes upon empty boxes showing what a wonderful Christmas everyone had. Even though the economy is slow this year, you'll see that plenty of people received new desktop computers and printers, laptops, televisions, appliances, and more. A box showing a picture of a jewelry armoire will state something quite loudly: there is a lot of jewelry in this house! What a perfect opportunity for burglars to decide which house will be their next conquest.

One way to discourage theft is to conceal what items you now own. Break the boxes down and put them into trash bags (not the see-through ones). If the burglars have to guess what's in your bags, but the neighbor has his boxes out for all to see, which house do you think they'll choose? This won't protect you completely, but it certainly will not invite these unwelcome intruders in, either!


You have all of these nice, new gifts; could you remember each item and prove ownership? What happens if you do have a burglary, or a fire, or a tornado? The holiday season is the perfect time to update your personal property inventory. Take photos of all the gifts before putting them away. Individual photos should be taken of high-end items. Don't forget about clothing. A photo of a leather jacket is important if you need to file an insurance claim.

Don't Put Your Boxes by the Curb

For your written report, record the manufacturer, serial number, model number and other identifying information. Also record the date and purchase price. Keep the receipts and put them with your inventory record.

While you have your camera out, take pictures of all of your holiday decorations. Think of how much money you have invested in creating this festive atmosphere. How many ornaments are on your tree? With each one costing an average of to , it adds up quickly.

If you have high-value items, such as a Christmas Village, take pictures of the entire display. Then also record each building, including the name, model number and other pertinent information. Many collectibles have identifying marks; take a picture of those as well. Do you store your items in their original boxes? If so, and they show pricing or the manufacturer, photograph the items next to the boxes.

Since you just received new items, you might be disposing of others. Be sure to remove those items from your inventory listing. Delete the photos of these discarded items as well. This will ensure that the record of the contents of your house is completely up to date.

If you don't have an inventory, now is the perfect time to create one. Or, if you choose not to do it yourself, contact a service provider near you. The cost of this service will quite often be less than just one gift you recently purchased or received.

Don't Put Your Boxes by the Curb

วันศุกร์ที่ 20 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

What Are Our Basic Human Needs? Redefining Food, Clothing and Shelter

Recently, in one of my EKP body psychotherapy groups, a very interesting thread of conversation emerged about food, clothing and shelter. As the conversation unfolded, I came to realize that in our culture today, how we have come to understand food, clothing and shelter is very different than when I was growing up. This difference was underscored poignantly as I recently spent some time with Native Americans in the Southwest.

When I think of the words, "food, clothing and shelter," I think of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. "Food, clothing and shelter" are at the bottom of the pyramid of needs for life, providing the foundation, our most essential needs. "Self-actualization" is at the very top--the icing on the cake when all other basic needs are satisfied.


When I was growing up, food was something you bought at the grocery store and then prepared and cooked at home. When I had a chance to go to a farm, as I learned how to milk a cow or tend to vegetable plants, I got to see where food "really came from."

What Are Our Basic Human Needs? Redefining Food, Clothing and Shelter

As a child, I spent a lot of hours gardening and growing vegetables in my backyard. Clothing was something I learned how to sew from McCall's or Simplicity patterns in Home Economics class or something one could purchases at stores like Sears or Filene's Basement. The goal was to take care of whatever clothes I made or purchased, so they would last a long time. And plenty of kids provided or received "hand me downs."

Shelter was a simple, yet sufficient home. In the 1950's and 1960's, ranch and Cape Cod style houses were built, and served as the warm vessel for home and hearth.

I have found, over the years, that in some ways I have become a dinosaur, an anachronysm, as the practices associated with food, clothing ahd shelter have changed drastically, in our "crazybusy" commercial culture. I still prepare home-cooked meals every day and grow vegetables in my garden. I have come to see how rare this is. When my son was in pre-school, he had a friend over for dinner. I had made a home-cooked dinner, and my son's friend didn't recognize any of what was on the table. Steamed vegetables. Cut fruit. A carefully prepared entree.

The boy exclaimed, "What is this food? What we have at home is Chinese take-out, KFC or McDonald's." I explained what I had prepared, and the boy said, "My mom never makes home-cooked meals." I guess that was one of my first initiations.

Recently, I heard someone comment, "Dinner means I give someone a twenty dollar bill, and they give something back to me." With the burgeoning of prepared foods and restaurants of every possible cuisine imagineable, "food" for many of us is something someone else prepares, and we purchase to eat--either in or out of the home. The cost of prepared food can be much greater than the cost of a home-cooked meal. But time has become even more precious than money in many circumstances. And when both time and money are scarce, the quality of food one can have diminuishes.

And then, there is clothing... About eight years ago, a friend of mine who was going through a divorce asked if she could stay with me for a few months while she transitioned and figured out her next steps. I said, "Yes." So, in moved my friend, along with her extensive wardrobe.

At first, I was taken aback. One day when I went to her house to help her move, I saw that she had filled an entire room with clothes. I soon discovered, that was only the first course on her menu. She had filled two walk-in closets, a bathroom, and the bedroom she shared with her soon to be ex-husband. How could she fit all of those clothes in the spacious, but nonetheless, solo bedroom she would be staying in at my house?

My friend decided to put half her clothes in storage, delegate her second tier choices to my basement, bought a special armoire to supplement the brimmingly full closet, and considered herself "roughing it." As someone with an eye for fashion, my friend thought she had just what she needed to be "current."

Then, came the woman who had a great corporate job and a six figure income, but never enough money. A major woe for her was that she spent a fortune on clothing, because once she had worn an outfit a couple of times, it was time to throw it out and buy a new one. I was, once again, surprised, feeling at the very least naive, and perhaps even Polyannaish. I asked her why she didn't wash her clothes or take them to the dry cleaners. She replied that would be too much work. In her busy life, it was just easier to buy new clothes. And besides, they'd always look fresh.

I recently learned from a man working in the corporate world, that even though his best intention is to dry clean some of his expensive professional suits, some sort of coating is put on the fabric that breaks down at the dry cleaners. So, in essence, he has little choice but to wear the suit til it is dirty, and then throw it out and buy a new one.

In each of these cases, the definition of "clothing" is so different than what I ever imagined it might be, and what is "necessary" to have "enough" feels wasteful at many levels--be it through people's definition of what "being okay" or "professional" or "current" means...or even through the planned obsolescence that comes with clothes that aren't made to last--but rather to break down.

And finally, there is shelter. Chances are you know what's going to come next. In my town, even in my neighborhood, so many of those cozy, homey ranches and capes have been torn down in favor of today's MacMansion.

On my own street, just a handfull of years after I moved into my house, a lot of land was sold to a real estate baron. Suddenly a gigantic two-family unit was constructed, that didn't fit in with the character of this Victorian-lined "historic district" location. Several years later, the same folks who sold the parcel of land, most likely in a time of financial difficulty, sold a tiny strip of land in back of their house, moved their carriage house onto the adjacent street to become a garage and allowed a tall, thin luxury two- condominium structure to reach into the sky. A copper beach tree that was hundreds of years old was lost in the process. But a lot of money was to be made and spent by real estate developers and consumers of luxury condos. I was very sad.

That took place a number of years ago, and seems tame compared to the 10,000 square foot home the parents of someone in my son's school now live in, having torn down a perfectly good 1950's home and built their MacMansion. Do these huge homes really provide shelter? And if so, from what? Surely not the same elements the Native American folks I spent time with were referring to.

As someone who still sees the merit in the definition of "basic needs" I came to understand as a child, I find it scary and overwhelming to see our "supersized," "crazybusy," "commodity-based" new definitions of these essentials. I think the essence of our basic needs gets lost in the "packaging" of what we feel pulled to "consume." Perhaps another kind of empty calories, translated beyond the realm of food and nutrition?

Can we find more meaningful ways to "feed," "clothe" and "shelter" ourselves, and even enrich these concepts to include true nourishment, protection and expression, and home/hearth? Perhaps that is what Maslow might have envisioned when he created his model. I suspect, he didn't have the "supersized" versions of today's culture in mind!

What Are Our Basic Human Needs? Redefining Food, Clothing and Shelter

วันพุธที่ 18 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

French Bedroom Design - Give Your Room A Makeover

Nothing can be more romantic than French bedroom designs. From the furniture to the accessories, French style never fails to add romance and sophistication to an old bedroom. If you are tired of your old bedroom design and would want to give it a new look, redo your room French-style. Here are some ways to your bedroom's dramatic transformation through French design.

French bedrooms usually have one color theme for the room, the more common ones being light blue, green and gold. Pink, light peach and lilacs are also used. Nevertheless, you can choose any color that you want, provided that it matches well with distressed or whitewashed furniture. The plan is to have a monochromatic scheme for most parts of the room, and throw in another color or two with the accessories. Once you decided on the color themes, you might want to decide on how to treat the walls. Use a light-colored paint, or if you can secure lovely French wallpaper designs, you may also use the same.


The next thing that will give your room a distinct French look is the bed. A rococo style bed with a thick mattress, a nice bed cover and oversized pillows is what we are looking for. The bed frame is usually made of distressed wood, with nice carvings on the headboard or legs of the bed. You can also add a bolster cushion and more pillows. Bedding designs are usually floral or toile, while others use paisley. Do not be stingy on the sheets. French design also spells luxury, and what better way to show that but by the linen. Use them together with plain white sheets with lace or other pretty intricate details.

French Bedroom Design - Give Your Room A Makeover

Another characteristic of French design is oversized furniture. Lines are usually dramatic and intricate. Wardrobe usually consists of a big armoire. For more storage, add chest drawers. There is also an antique dresser and side table. You can also add a cozy armchair and a sofa. Other antique pieces made of wrought iron may also be included.

The window is another part of the room which must be emphasized. Use sheered drapes and tiebacks for a dramatic effect. This also allows more natural light into the room, which is also distinctive of French design. Soft curtains that extend from the ceiling to the floor are pulled back to frame the window.

Add some hand-painted accessories to your bedroom. Find a beautiful screen with details similar to the furniture, and place it in a corner for accent. Display some porcelain art pieces or picture frames on top of the drawers.

As to the lighting, use French lamps such as Tiffany-styled lamps and some accent lights. A chandelier will also look good in a French bedroom. You can also add antique candle holders, for decorative purposes.

Add romance to your bedroom. Find a French bedroom design that will suit your taste. The good thing about this style is that you do not have to spend a lot to achieve the look. The best items can usually be found at flea markets. Look for some antique items that will give the shabby chic feel. You can also surf the internet for more designs. So what are you waiting for? Start the makeover now. Have fun!

French Bedroom Design - Give Your Room A Makeover

วันอังคารที่ 17 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

How to Decorate a Boutique - What Beginners Don't Know

Boutique owners share their must-haves, must-dos and cannot-live-without decorating tricks. Why is it critical to put in some effort, time and expenses to decorate a boutique store? A boutique is defined as a "small fashionable supermarket." Most boutiques retail exclusive items, such as specialized gifts, jewelry, antiques and etc. For most of us as boutique owners, our stores feature nice clothing and fashionable accessories. As boutiques vary in their offerings, it is tough to identify explicit ideas as to decorations. However, there are selected decorating ideas that will toil in all boutiques, at any rate of theme.



The degree of lighting in your store will vary depending on the mood you desire to create. For contemporary items, you will need ample of light. For vintage, lukewarm lighting works fine. Avoid fluorescent or green- or yellow-toned lighting, especially if customers will be looking in the mirror. These are not flattering light sources. Consider to add extra tiny white illumination to shelving, borders and even several draped around plants or tables.

How to Decorate a Boutique - What Beginners Don't Know

Display and Furniture

In order to create a cozier, luxurious feeling in your boutique store; show your product lines in unique ways. For instance, fold sweaters and stack them on a mahogany desk relatively than a metal desk. Hang robes in an antique armoire. Place a small dresser in the corner and leave the top drawer wide open to show your products such as accessories or jewelry. A baker's rack is an eminent way to show everything from food to clothing to spa gifts. In addition, you may invite your customers to linger by placing comfortable chairs around the space. An antique chaise lounge, bench with cushions and other unique chairs will dress up your boutique much more than boring metal chairs will.

Interior layout

For the boutique which its layout is square or rectangle, it would probably easier to decorate your boutique ideas. You can divide your boutique area into separate sections like VIP area, consultancy area, and transaction area and nail art area. Let's visualize that at the entrance is demonstrating area where you place multiple 3-D mannequins. At the center of this area, there is black square seat; with pretty golden flowery motif in classic furniture design creates comfortable and friendly impression. At another corner, there is consultancy and VIP area. Consultancy area designed with classical touch a chord that appears golden color in female feel. This area consists of sizable round table with four seats, which made feel casual and comfortable in order to fluent consultation process with the customer. The VIP area appears luxurious with red nuance and flowery motif on wallpaper, couch, and carpet.


Choose your color scheme to correspond to your boutique image. Choose complementary insignia that either match the chic of the merchandise or contrast with it. If your boutique offers a variety of styles, do not worry to aid numerous insignia in various areas. For an example, in a corner that represents the 1970s, operate bold patterns of yellows, browns and oranges. An area full of 1980s supply can be painted with neon greens and pinks. For contemporary merchandise, try to stay neutral with your background. White with black adorns or earth tones permit the designers talk for themselves.

Every of your boutique decorating idea encompass its own personality. So have fun decorating your boutique, be creative, but do not be too crazy or it will be tacky.

How to Decorate a Boutique - What Beginners Don't Know

วันจันทร์ที่ 16 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Cherry Jewelry Armoire / Mirror

Best Price for . Save more Bernards, Inc.. Best Buy Cherry Jewelry Armoire / Mirror Shop. Save up to 45%

Cherry Jewelry Armoire / Mirror Low Price

Cherry Jewelry Armoire / Mirror

   Brand: Bernards, Inc.

Cherry Jewelry Armoire / Mirror Customer Rating

Southern Enterprises VM5061C Wall Mount Jewelry Mirror in Cherry ViveDecor.com Tube. Duration : 0.85 Mins.

Faced with a beveled mirror, this cherry wall mount jewelry armoire is designed to hold an array of jewelry. There is plenty of space and organizers to hold necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings. The inner felt lining is black with a light gray ring holder and there is a small removable storage tray with 4 sections for smaller items. This unit also provides a keyed locking mechanism to make sure all of your valuables are safe and secure. The jewelry storage inside of this armoire consists of 5 double hooks at the top perfect for storing necklace and bracelet sets. Below this are two rows of 11 flat hooks capable of holding several necklaces each. On the inside top of the door, there are 9 rows of ring holders measuring 7.75 inches wide each, three rows for storing earrings, with 12 notches on each row to help separate or secure earrings. If needed, each notch is capable of holding a set of earrings. Additionally, below the earring storage on the door there are 10 single necklace/bracelet hooks to make sure you never run out of room!

Tags: Southern Enterprises VM5061C, SEI VM5061C, Wall Mount Jewelry Mirror, vivedecor

Cherry Jewelry Armoire / Mirror Compare Price
UnbeatableSale, Inc
$262.70 (New)
Usually ships in 6-10 business days

Cheap Cherry Jewelry Armoire / Mirror Information

  • Felt lined
  • Length 19
  • Width 24.75
  • Style Traditional
  • Finish Dark Wood

Cherry Jewelry Armoire / Mirror Review

Cherry Finish Cheval Mirror And Jewelry ArmoireMaterial WoodHeight 60.75

If you looking for cheap "Cherry Jewelry Armoire / Mirror" best prices. You can Buy Cherry Jewelry Armoire / Mirror Now. Cheap Cherry Jewelry Armoire / Mirror In Stock. :

วันเสาร์ที่ 14 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Mirrotek JA1448CH Over the door jewelry Armoire Mirror in Cherry

Great Price for . Save more Mirrotek. Mirrotek JA1448CH Over the door jewelry Armoire Mirror in Cherry On Sale. Save up to 50%

Mirrotek JA1448CH Over the door jewelry Armoire Mirror in Cherry Suck.

   Brand: Mirrotek

Mirrotek JA1448CH Over the door jewelry Armoire Mirror in Cherry Detail

JA1448CH Features: -Jewelry armoire mirror.-Full length mirror hides a secret jewelry armoire.-Framed mirror.-Attaches to either wall or hangs on door with special brackets supplied. Construction: -Wood, metal and glass construction. Color/Finish: -Cherry finish.

Mirrotek JA1448CH Over the door jewelry Armoire Mirror in Cherry Customer Rating


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Our Price:

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Mirrotek Over the Door Jewelry Armoire Mirror Cabinet in Black JA1448BK Best Buy

   Brand: Mirrotek    List Price : low price to display

Mirrotek Over the Door Jewelry Armoire Mirror Cabinet in Black JA1448BK Detail

JA1448BK Features: -Jewelry armoire. -Wood, metal and glass construction. -Organizer is perfect for storing all your beauty essentials. -Smart addition to jewelry collection.

Mirrotek Over the Door Jewelry Armoire Mirror Cabinet in Black JA1448BK Cheapest

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$126.24 (New)
Usually ships in 24 hours

Mirrotek Over the Door Jewelry Armoire Mirror Cabinet in Black JA1448BK Customer Rating

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If you looking for cheap "Mirrotek Over the Door Jewelry Armoire Mirror Cabinet in Black JA1448BK" best prices. You can Buy Mirrotek Over the Door Jewelry Armoire Mirror Cabinet in Black JA1448BK Now. Cheap Mirrotek Over the Door Jewelry Armoire Mirror Cabinet in Black JA1448BK In Stock. :

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

SEI Wall-Mount Jewelry Armoire with Mirror, Walnut

Best Deal VM5065 for $168.57. Southern Enterprises. SEI Wall-Mount Jewelry Armoire with Mirror, Walnut Save Now!. Save up to 70%

SEI Wall-Mount Jewelry Armoire with Mirror, Walnut Cheapest

   Brand: Southern Enterprises    Model : VM5065    Original Price : $299.99    List Price : $168.57    You Save : 44%

Cheap SEI Wall-Mount Jewelry Armoire with Mirror, Walnut Information

  • Wall-mount jewelry armoire with beveled mirror front and clean lines
  • Crafted from wood with subtle distressing and a warm brown walnut finish
  • Ample storage space for necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings, and pins
  • Removable storage tray, locking door, and black felt interior
  • Ready to hang; no assembly required; 14-1/2 by 4-1/2 by 48-1/4 inches

SEI Wall-Mount Jewelry Armoire with Mirror, Walnut Review

Faced with a beveled mirror, this warm walnut wall mount jewelry armoire is designed to hold an array of jewelry. There is plenty of space and organizers to hold necklaces, bracelets, earrings and rings. The inner felt lining is black with a light gray ring holder and there is a small removable storage tray with 4 sections for smaller items. This unit also provides a keyed locking mechanism to make sure all of your valuables are secure and safe. The jewelry storage inside of this armoire consists of 5 double hooks at the top, which are perfect for storing necklace and bracelet sets. Below this are two rows of 11 flat hooks capable of holding several necklaces each. On the inside top of the door, there are 9 rows of ring holders measuring 7.75 inches wide each, three rows for storing earrings, with 12 notches on each row to help separate or secure earrings. If needed, each notch is capable of holding a set of earrings. Additionally, below the earring storage on the door there are 10 single necklace/bracelet hooks to make sure you never run out of room! The finish is beautifully distressed with small wormholes and imperfections that accent the grain and character of the wood. These imperfections are natural wood flaws that help make every piece unique. - 14.5" x 4.25" x 48.25" Tall - Warm Brown Walnut Finish - Keyed Locking mechanism for added security - Assorted hooks and storage for all jewelry - Felt Lining - Ready to hang; No assembly required

SEI Wall-Mount Jewelry Armoire with Mirror, Walnut Best Buy

Southern Enterprises
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SEI Wall-Mount Jewelry Armoire with Mirror, Walnut Compare Price
$168.57 (New)
Usually ships in 1 to 2 days

SEI Wall-Mount Jewelry Armoire with Mirror, Walnut Customer Rating

SEI JS7975 Espresso Ladder Shelf Wall Mount Jewelry Armoire - TimelessElements.com Video Clips. Duration : 0.85 Mins.

See More SEI Products: www.timelesselements.com Wonderfully unique, this stylish espresso jewelry armoire is an ideal solution to keep you organized. The square cabinet body opens to reveal multiple jewelry storage options while three ladder shelves add a convenient display area for perfume, jewelry boxes or other decorative décor. Seven double hooks, two earring racks, seven ring holders and an organizer tray for assorted pieces are available within the cabinet. Completed with a beveled mirror on the front, this stylish jewelry storage option is perfect for bedroom, bathroom or entry.

Tags: JS7975, new

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If you looking for cheap "SEI Wall-Mount Jewelry Armoire with Mirror, Walnut" best prices. You can Buy SEI Wall-Mount Jewelry Armoire with Mirror, Walnut Now. Cheap SEI Wall-Mount Jewelry Armoire with Mirror, Walnut In Stock. :

วันเสาร์ที่ 7 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Over the Door Jewelry Armoire Mirror Cabinet in Black

Great This for . Compare Mirrotek. Cheap Over the Door Jewelry Armoire Mirror Cabinet in Black On Sale. Save up to 45%

Over the Door Jewelry Armoire Mirror Cabinet in Black Cheapest

Over the Door Jewelry Armoire Mirror Cabinet in Black

   Brand: Mirrotek

Over the Door Jewelry Armoire Mirror Cabinet in Black Customer Rating

Jewelry Storage & Organization: Space Saver Solution Tube. Duration : 5.18 Mins.

Follow My Blog @ pinkhoneybeee.blogspot.com This is how I store all my jewelry. I love this storage space to keep all my jewelry in, because my jewelry doesn't get all tangled up together, tarnish, take up space & look cluttered or collect dust. It's the perfect solution for me. You can purchase your own "Over the Door Jewelry Armoire Mirror Cabinet in Black" like mine HERE @ www.amazon.com FTC:Disclaimer: I purchased this myself, and as always these are my 100% honest opinions. I'm not being paid to make this video.

Keywords: Jewelry, storage, organization, rings, necklaces, bracelets, shopping, pinkhoneybeee

Over the Door Jewelry Armoire Mirror Cabinet in Black Compare Price
$126.24 (New)
Usually ships in 24 hours

Over the Door Jewelry Armoire Mirror Cabinet in Black Description

JA1448BK Features: -Jewelry armoire. -Wood, metal and glass construction. -Organizer is perfect for storing all your beauty essentials. -Smart addition to jewelry collection.

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If you looking for cheap "Over the Door Jewelry Armoire Mirror Cabinet in Black" best prices. You can Buy Over the Door Jewelry Armoire Mirror Cabinet in Black Now. Cheap Over the Door Jewelry Armoire Mirror Cabinet in Black In Stock. :

วันศุกร์ที่ 6 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Badger Basket Mirrored Doll Armoire With 3 Baskets And 3 Hangers - Pink/White

Search Price 01210 for $55.00. Badger Basket. Badger Basket Mirrored Doll Armoire With 3 Baskets And 3 Hangers - Pink/White On Sale. Save up to 50%

Badger Basket Mirrored Doll Armoire With 3 Baskets And 3 Hangers - Pink/White Cheapest

   Brand: Badger Basket    Model : 01210    Original Price : $89.99    List Price : $55.00    You Save : 39%

Cheap Badger Basket Mirrored Doll Armoire With 3 Baskets And 3 Hangers - Pink/White Feature

  • Includes storage baskets inside and three hangers
  • Plenty of room for baby or fashion doll clothes and accessories
  • One mirror door, one plexiglass door (both made using child safe materials)

Badger Basket Mirrored Doll Armoire With 3 Baskets And 3 Hangers - Pink/White Review

Features:Our new, extra-large Armoire is the place to store your most treasured doll accessories!Open one door to reveal three, handy baskets.Behind the other door you?ll find a rod with three hangers ready for prized garments and gowns.Child-safe mirror on the front lets your doll check her appearance before heading out to play!Top shelf offers an additional place to perch small items like Dolly?s comb, brush, purses, and shoes.White finish inside and out.Magnetic clasps hold the doors closed.Scalloped detail on the top trim panel.Door knobs are easy to grasp to open and close the doors.Sturdy base adds stability. Three, pink and white gingham baskets included. Baskets are removable and independent from the shelves,armoire. The baskets fold flat for storage ? simply remove the bottom panel and collapse the sides. Helpful handle slots on front and back of the baskets make them easy to pull out and put back into the cubbies. Three, pink, engineered wood hangers included. Armoire, including the clothes rod, is made with wood, engineered wood, and hardboard. Wipe clean with a damp cloth and mild soap as needed. Baskets are made with 90% polyester,10% cotton fabric exterior and industrial cardboard interior panels. Spot clean the baskets as needed. Never immerse the baskets in water. Additional hangers sold separately. Can be enjoyed by children from three years old and up. Adult assembly required with a screwdriver. Illustrated instructions included. All paints and finishes are non-toxic. Doll not included. Meets all current, applicable ASTM, Lead, and CARB ATCM safety standards. This item is to be used with dolls only and is never to be used with real infants or pets. Actual product may vary slightly from shown due to continuous product improvement. All measurements approximate. Product includes a warranty of 30 Days Parts to the original purchaser. This item ships in its original carton which may include a photo of the product. WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD - Small parts.

Badger Basket Mirrored Doll Armoire With 3 Baskets And 3 Hangers - Pink/White Sale Price

Badger Basket
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Badger Basket Mirrored Doll Armoire With 3 Baskets And 3 Hangers - Pink/White Compare Price
$55.00 (New)
Usually ships in 24 hours

Badger Basket Mirrored Doll Armoire With 3 Baskets And 3 Hangers - Pink/White Customer Rating

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If you looking for cheap "Badger Basket Mirrored Doll Armoire With 3 Baskets And 3 Hangers - Pink/White" best prices. You can Buy Badger Basket Mirrored Doll Armoire With 3 Baskets And 3 Hangers - Pink/White Now. Cheap Badger Basket Mirrored Doll Armoire With 3 Baskets And 3 Hangers - Pink/White In Stock. :