You don't have to break the bank to hire an interior designer. Hiring a professional decorate may even help you save money in the long run as they may provide you advice on how you can reuse or redesign your room with the furniture and decorations you already have. Below are just 10 ways you can actually save money by using a professional interior designer.
1. Use what you already own. Could the armoire that's crowding your bedroom better serve your needs in your family room? How about the stunning piece of art you have hidden in the hallway, when it would make an outstanding focal point over the fireplace mantel? An interior designer has a trained eye that sees new "life" for the treasures you already own.
2. Avoid costly mistakes. While many people fear the expense of "out with the old and in with the new", any designer "worth their salt" will encourage you to use what you already own, whenever possible. They'll discourage you from falling in love with a piece you see in the showroom, if they know the scale, style, color, fabric type, or quality won't serve you well, once it's in your home.
3. A good designer has all sorts of resources, whether you're shopping for home furnishings, window coverings, pluming hardware or lighting. Many companies give sizable discounts to the trade, that they should pass on to you, helping to save money on the bottom line.
4. Get it done right the first time. It's easy to make costly mistakes when you aren't professionally trained. Even the professionals can make mistakes measuring blinds, shutters and draperies, but if it's their mistake, they're responsible for fixing it.
5. Time is money. If you're doing a major remodel and can't live in the home while under construction, every day out of the home costs you double, since you have to pay the cost of two living spaces. With a professional contractor and project manager/designer, you've got a time-line and team of people working on your behalf, while you're at work, with a dead-line to meet. If you plan to be your own contractor, expect some "on the job training" and extra expense.
6. Think outside the box. A designer will encourage you to consider ideas you never would have considered. You'll end up with a more interesting, custom look, without spending more.
7. Visualize it. If you're like most people, you have a hard time imagining how something will look. That's why furnished homes sell faster than empty homes. A good designer has the ability to look at a space and see what it could be, not what it is. Maybe you don't really need to sell your home, to achieve the look and comfort you're searching for. Ask a designer about options!
8. Make choices that will serve you for generations. Good furniture was made to last a lifetime. A designer will show you where to budget your money and why. It pays to buy the best quality case goods you can afford, because they will last forever if properly cared for. Likewise, don't spend a fortune on bedding that you'll get tired of, when there are so many great values and design options available for less.
9. Depend on a designer to show you the kinds of upgrades that will pay off, should you ever decide to sell your home.
10. Leave it to the professionals to help you make the most of what you already have and the money you can afford to spend, saving you more frustration and headaches than you could imagine!
10 Ways to Save Money by Using an Interior Designer